Favorite BaO Batman Villain?

Monday, August 13, 2007

Honoring the Authors - Daniel (August Edition)

Hello everyone. This is the first month that will have the segment "Honoring the Authors", which will honor the winner of Author of the Month the month before, in this case in July. That author was Daniel, who released his brilliant comedy "A New Agenda", making him the first author on this site to be honored.

The links below are to all of Daniels baits he has released. To participate all you need to do is email me your Big 7 nominations using his baits only. In order to vote you need to include your name and username on the Bait an Oscar site, and remember only email me your nominations because once the votes are counted I'll have the official nomination list where then we will vote for winners. The deadline for voting is this Sunday. Email me your noms at stinkyturtles@hotmail.com The big 7 include:

Best Picture (5)
Best Director (5)
Best Actor (5)
Best Actress (5)
Best Supporting Actor (5)
Best Supporting Actress (5)
Best Screenplay (5)

Articles - http://www.theoscarigloo.com/2006/bait/june/articles.html

Flying Circus - http://www.theoscarigloo.com/2006/bait/june/flyingcircus.html

Helix - http://www.theoscarigloo.com/2006/bait/june/helix.html

Broken Frames -http://www.theoscarigloo.com/2006/bait/july/brokenframes.html

I. Bergman - http://www.theoscarigloo.com/2006/bait/august/ibergman.html

Steamboat Disney -http://www.theoscarigloo.com/2006/bait/august/steamboatdisney.html

Foils - http://www.theoscarigloo.com/2006/bait/september/foils.html

Ironic Nonfiction - http://www.theoscarigloo.com/2006/bait/september/ironicnonfiction.html

Animal Farm -http://www.theoscarigloo.com/2006/bait/octbaits/animalfarm.html

Dali -http://www.theoscarigloo.com/2006/bait/octbaits/dali.html

trois nouvelles - http://www.theoscarigloo.com/2006/bait/december06baits/trousnouvelles.html

E.L. - http://www.theoscarigloo.com/2007/january/el.html

Blank - http://www.theoscarigloo.com/2007/baitoscar/february/blank.html

The Dirty Dozen -http://www.theoscarigloo.com/2007/baitoscar/march07/dirtydozen.html

The Mousetrap - http://www.theoscarigloo.com/2007/baitoscar/april/mousetrap.html

Assassins - http://www.theoscarigloo.com/2007/baitoscar/may/assassins.html

Bloodshed -http://www.theoscarigloo.com/2007/baitoscar/june2007/bloodshed.html

A New Agenda - http://www.theoscarigloo.com/2007/baitoscar/july07/newagenda.html

Please involve yourself in this honoring for a great author, thanks and hope to see your votes.


Bryce said...

ok just sent my ballot

Harry said...

Just sent my ballot

Michael said...

I sent mine a while ago!

Harry said...

When will the nominations be up?