Well, they are finally here, my reviews for the month of August. Lets go..
El Baile Amor - The story didn't really go anywhere that kept my interest. Perez is a nice choice though and she's definitely underused. C-
Bat Out Of Hell - Looked forward to this one. Don't like any of the casting and I didn't see the reason in bringing Machete from Grindhouse in this. As always, your bait is well written and the director choice is nice. B-
Bee-Bee's Funhouse - I like these characters, very creative bait. What would have made this bait better is if you made it into a comedy, I personally could never take a film like this seriously and I don't see how anyone else could. But overall a good bait. B
Cartoon Wars - Got rather bored reading this one. Miller's not really the director for this and the characters/script are far from fresh. C-
Cocker Spanchovy - Another bait about the main character being involved with children, eh. Well, I must say this is your best bait to date Kwame, it's just the story doesn't attract me that much, but you're getting better, keep it up. C-
The Courtroom - There can never be too many courtroom dramas. However, I would have liked more details on the case, maybe some twists and turns. I think it has a great cast and crew but it just needed a spark. C+
Deep Secret - A very good political bait, normally I'm not attracted to political baits, The Justices and now this one being a good exception but this one strikes me as being one that could contend for serious contention. The casting (besides Cox) is the weak spot in this though, but very good. B+
Diary of an Adopted Child - Nothing really new with this one. Love the tagline though. C-
Equality - Well written and good execution in this one. Weaver seems like a typical choice but the bait is solid, but dragged a bit. B-
Everyday - The casting and crew is there, however the characters are uninspiring and the script is just rushed and flawed. If it were a different accident then I could see the father looking for answers, but car crashes happen all the time and I doubt Baldins character would turn detective over it. C
Fahrenheit 451 - Truthfully I'm tired of this story. I don't think Speilberg would touch this, just a story that's too well known and a story that has spawned so many other films that is just doesn't intrigue me as a bait. C-
The Final Days - Has been done way, way too many times. However, the writing style definitely shows you have the potential to become a good writer, just a bit more creativity and you'll be set. C
Foggy London Nights - This is a good story, one of your best Josh. I guess I'm in the dark in this one but I just don't like the Radcliffe casting, he hasent proved anything aside from taking on the Harry Potter role to a tee, I'm not giving him that kind of leeway but the bait itself is solid. B
Fallout - Well executed writing, solid story and I dig it. Vintage zgamer here and it definitely doesn't disappoint, quite interesting bait. B+
Grey Gardens - A boring read for me. It's not the length but this story just isn't sexy to me. C+
Hard Candy: The Last Stand - A very interesting idea. Don't think it could compare to the first though, there was just way too many good things in that film for it to be overshadowed by a sequel, but it was a good story. B-
House Of A Shattered Soul - At first I'm reading this and I'm saying I really hope this isn't a typical, new age ghost thriller, but this is a different approach to that. A very interesting view on what seems to be a bland script but you made it waaay more than that. I really digged this bait. B+
In Between - Not too bad, a great casting and the perfect director makes this a fairly good bait that kept me entertained throughout. B
Indigo Prophecy - Hooked me in and never let me go. I really want to play this game though. Though I don't think it touches Ghost Recon it's definitely your second best VG adaptation. B+
The Legend of Zelda: The End of Forever - I don't really dig the style, it's different, very different, but a synopsis is a synopsis, not a poem. I truly do admire your admiration and dedication to this bait considering you probably put a lot of time into this. I'm basically with Pat on this one though, it was a nice effort. C+
My Life in Jokes - Doesn't really tell a story, just a bunch of quotes. Much like Zelda I admire your originality with this, but this one really didn't go anywhere. Don't like having one cast member too, I think if you would have wrote a story it could have been something special. C
Like Beauty - CuarĂ³n? Don't like that choice. An average adaptation. C
The Lonely Life of Martin Ziggle - This has some nice originality and I always dig that. I really didn't mind this bait at all. Title could have been better but it's an intriguing story for sure. B
The Man Who Invented Rock Hudson - Not crazy about this one, story is average and the casting doesn't blow my mind. I truly believe Foggy London Nights is your baby this month and I'm probably in the dark with that as well. This is a well written bait but just doesn't interest me. Singer seems like an odd choice for director as well. C
The Munsters with Yvonne De Carlo - Wow, better then I thought it was going to be. Very original bait and something I could have never thought of. Casting is spot on. B+
No More Smiles - My opinion Crudup is leading canditate for best leading male. The story is remarkable with great characters and the front runner for best comedy. A-
Off to Rome - Funny bait that screams Brooks. I'm not crazy about the casting but I dig the rest. This has been a good month for comedies thus far, this being one of them. B+
The Picture of Dorian Gray - One of the best adaptations of the month. I'd rank Fiennes ahead of McAvoy in the best actor department though. Your writing was truly missed last month and deeply glad to have you back Harry, this is a gem. A-
Quiet Room - Kind of saw the twist coming but that doesn't matter. This is a great bait. In my opinion, Sergio has gone from a writer who started off with mediocore baits and now has turned into a baiter who has consistently gotten into my top 5 baits each month. Well written, perfect storytelling and great character depth makes this one of the best of the month. Very nice job. B+
Rabbit Hole - See "Rabbit Hole Review"
Reset - Just way to many questions that needs to be answered in order for this to be a good bait. Why do the women change? Karen Blacks character has no story or no real purpose. Would be a very repetitive film. I doubt all those acclaimed actresses would take a role in this considering they'd probably get 10 minutes on screen. Just needs more. C-
Shipwreck'd - There needs to be more Nolan baits. Anyway, not one of your best. I just couldn't keep interest and wasn't feeling any of the characters. A well written adaptation but I just couldn't get into it. This being an average bait and No More Smiles being a brilliant bait definitely equals out to another consistent month for DW. Nice work. C+
Six Days in 67 - A story that is always well received but there just wasn't no real spark that made this different from any other film or bait that has had the same theme. Casting is brilliant but the plot just doesn't stick, needs to be thickened. C
The Truth Lies Within - Renolds would never be able to take on a role like this, which is a shame because his character is great and the story is superb, enjoyed it very much. B+
The Witching Hour - A movie I would definitely go see but I think Thurman is miscasted. I don't know why but I got chills reading this bait, which rarely happens for me, and that is definitely a good thing, nice job James. B
You’re A Good Man, Charlie Brown - I've never been a fan of the Peanut gang so it really didn't fascinate me much. I do like the writing style and would definitely make a cute little film, don't know if Bird would take it though. Overall it was decent. B-
Friendly Enemies - It's well written but is just way to cliche and bland. Drags on too much, but I have faith that you're going to nail a great bait some day with your well rounded writing skills. C-
That'd be it, hope you enjoyed. Also don't forget to send me your nomination ballods to stinkyturtles@hotmail.com for Daniels "Honoring the Authors" month. Deadline is Sunday.
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thanks for the reviews Tony. I'm glad someone liked House of a Shattered soul lol. Good luck this month.
Thank you Tony, very nice words.
Thanks for the good reviews. I really liked your baits too. Man, I gotta get my reviews up at some point.
Tony, thanks a lot for those fascinating words and for giving me the highest grade next to “No More Smiles”. It really is an honor, especially when it comes from my favorite author.
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