Well I haven't posted anything in a while so I figured I'd just make a new thread and BS a bit about this year and some things for next year. It's been a pretty busy year for me for the site. I've put a bait in every month and I believe besides January I sent in the maximum amount of baits we're allowed certain months for a full year. I'm greatly appreciated for all the support I've gotten for all my baits and more recently my December bait "Reminiscence", which in my mind is one of the best baits I've written, definitely my best Press Section for sure, I can only hope it makes some noise by the end of this month. There have been some fantastic baits this year, ones that continue to inspire to come back each month and create more baits for others to read. Some of my favorite baits this month have included The Valley of Ashes, Border Man, Behind Closed Doors, A New Agenda, Jackrabbit, The 7,000 Mile Screwdriver, Native Son, Sweet Black and Blue, Sixty Days, The 27th Victim, Rehab, The Guy Who Owned the Store, Lucky Clover, and among many others. I can only hope that the fellow baiters have enjoyed my baits as much as I've enjoyed reading all of yours.
So, now that people are campaigning for the overall Year awards, I suppose I'll go back in time and remind everyone of my baits.
Veil of Sin - A Coen brothers film about a washed up cop Weemer, along with his psychotic friend Barney, go on a killing rampage creating a serial killer. Weemer takes the case to ressurect his career.
Somerset - A prequel to the film Se7en that focuses on Detective William Somerset and his chase to catch a demented killer that murders families, but never the mother.
Flashes - An imagative Arronofsky story about an artist that kills himself and is trapped inside his coma.
Clouds of Red - The true story about pilot Mick Mannock during WWI, starring Christian Bale.
Around the Horn - A film about a talk television show that focuses on 4 controversial debaters about obesity, steroids, abortion, and the war at Iraq.
Dominion - A story about a tormented man with unanswered questions that hears voices inside his head.
Dark Night of the Soul Based on true events about a group of satanists in Norway and their disturbing, unethical behavior.
Batman: Scars of Tomorrow - The start of the new Batman epic starring Billy Crudup as Batman as he battles the notorious Two-Face (Ralph Fiennes) and crazed Black Mask (Benecio Tel Doro).
Dr. Death - The true story on Dr. Jack Kevorkian, known for his unusual ways of medicine, death. Staring Peter O'Toole.
The Winter Sun - An Ang Lee film about a man with werewolf syndrome.
Blackwater Park - Clive Owen stars in a bait about a man with a mysterious obsession with a park outside his home.
To Dwell in Evil - An epic approach at the story of Cane and Abel.
Exposed - A bait about a pornstar that returns home to visit her dying father and back road family.
Tabula Rasa - The story about a priest in medieval Europe that believes he is the anti-Christ.
The Good Guy - The biopic on Jimmy Stewart.
Ike - A story about two writers that write a book on a man with a split personality.
Under God - A team bait, along with zgamer, based on a town with religious conflicts.
Batman: End of All Hope - The sequel to SoT about Batmans road to recovery and his new found rivalry with the brilliant Riddler.
Reminiscence - A bait about a man prisoned in Indonesia by the British in 1688 that records his events by tattooing them on himself.
Well, there you have it, my 2007 year. It was a long road with some close calls for myself, still havent won the big one yet, Best Author/Best Picture award, I believe I'm the writer that's sent in the most baits without winning those awards, quite honestly it's kind of cool I have that "Martin Scorcese of Baits" name to my resume, as Zgamer put it, meaning I've put out some baits that were well received and were close to winning best picture, just never got there. Regardless of what has happened, I feel no animosity towards it nor failure, I try to do my best each month and writers have done better, comes with the territory. I hope everyone enjoyed them and I look forward to making more next year. I hope to continue to be the dark and twisted writer everyone has come to know haha. Maybe sometime by the end of next year I'll have a best author/picture award on my shelf, lol.
And finally to close this out, just like probably everyone on this site, the news that a baiter has passed away really took me off guard. For those that don't know, Anwar, the writer of Warner Girls, passed away a few days ago as a result to a drunk driver. I never would have imagined one of the authors on this site would pass so young, but life comes at you fast sometimes and the unexpected can happen any time. I knew when I read the title of the thread that someone was either in critical condition or died, and was quite hesistant to read the thread. I'm truly sorry for the friends and family of Anwars and my condolences are with them. He was on his way to becoming a very known writer after his success with Warner Girls. He was a good author and will be truly missed. I believe the way we can honor his death is by continuing this brilliant competition where we've all made a name for ourselves and where we've come to know one another through our hard work and dedication to baiting.
Thanks for reading.